Time to start a new one

blackbeard said:
i figured that
you still gonna workd your deads heavy on that day??

i meant when u gonna test the pull to see how the SLDL program went?
i might put the dead suit on monday and fuck around with her..any suggestions??

I don't know, may not for a little while. I am not worried about my dead, i am worried about my squat.
last nights shirted bench routine

495 off two board, got it but was all over the place. We decided to drop the weight and work on form since i am having problems flaring my elbows early enough, i am punching the weight off my chest.

425 3x3 things got much better

called it quits as i have been doing quite a bit board work, and i am starting to see the signs of being a tad overtrained.

DE squats, today

15 sets of 2 in about 9 or 10 minutes. 235 + doubled greens. This was rough, i had muscles burning i never knew i had. Did this on the recommendation of a few people.

Deadlifts agains doubled minis 315 5 sets of 2 felt awkward, first time pulling in months.

reverse hyper 260 2x10 1x8

Pullthrough 140 plus minis x12 170 plus minis x10

Felt good all in all.
the shirted stuff will come back youve done it before its just a matter of relearning the groove.youll get it

I like the idea of dropping the weight and working your form and being strict with the time on box squats..what doy ou think about taking the bands OFF and just going straight weight..I think youll find your groove better that way and then head back to the bands

bout time you styarted using the JS platform
blackbeard said:
the shirted stuff will come back youve done it before its just a matter of relearning the groove.youll get it

I like the idea of dropping the weight and working your form and being strict with the time on box squats..what doy ou think about taking the bands OFF and just going straight weight..I think youll find your groove better that way and then head back to the bands

bout time you styarted using the JS platform

The squatting thing came from a guy i lift with who does westside, it helped him and another guy we know very well. Most of their Dynamic training is done with bands. i will ditch the bands a bit when i ditch the ME day, and go back to squatting and deadlifting on different days. Right now i am going to stick with what he said and wave the weight up like this for three weeks and see.
Close grip

Comp grip bench 315x9

incline dumbell 135x8 lockout was toast buy this time

Side lateral raises 30x20 40x10

Kelso shrugs
3 pl x8
4 pl x8
4.5 pl x8
5pl x8

Standing Ab pulldowns 2x8, 1x9 always looking for the stupidest of prs

face pulls 150 15, 13

Volume will be up for the next month or so. See how it goes, need to up cals along with it.
SS bar box squats below parallel
325x3 Starting to feel better, going to really run them up next week.

Bent rows off floor, back arched hard.

GM's natural stance
315x8 all reps to close to parallel. I can have seen a huge diffence in the strength of my posterior since i have done these last about 7 or 8 months ago

seated cable rows 2x15

Was going to do one more posterior exercise, but i felt i had a good workout and shut it down.
good session homie
i just got myself a really good deal on an ivanko bar as well as a SS bar so im gonna be using the SS bar a lot more..plan on picking up a cambered bar as well after i build or buy a DL platform :)
blackbeard said:
good session homie
i just got myself a really good deal on an ivanko bar as well as a SS bar so im gonna be using the SS bar a lot more..plan on picking up a cambered bar as well after i build or buy a DL platform :)

SS bar is badass, i have not used the big cambered bar. I am in the process now of stocking up on kettlebells, i have my first one, a 50lber.
jcp2 said:
SS bar is badass, i have not used the big cambered bar. I am in the process now of stocking up on kettlebells, i have my first one, a 50lber.

you fucked around with the kettleballs before right??
there was a good article in PLUSA awhile back with Donnie about kettleballs..you see it?
Shirted bench

dropped 45 from bar on foot x1 still sore

495x1 I think my for issues are resolved just needed a little more time in the shirt. Now i need to work heavier because i am no where neer touching.

5 board
470x1 missed second

DE squat with green bands


45 hypers with green band 3x8

AB pushdowns 3x8

Kettlebell swings 50lber 3x12 each arm. These hit the glutes like nothing i have ever done.
close grip
Comp grip flat 315x11

Shoulder press off pins at eye level, resetting on each one
235 5x5 felt like getting some delt work in, was fried after this, lol

Green band pullaparts 3x10

Green band pushdowns 15, 10, 7 shot here, called it a day.
Deadlift 495x5 first time pulling deads since my meet in Nov, felt heavy, lol

GM's natural stance 235, 285, 325, 355x5

Chest supported one arm row 3x6 real fucking heavy today

Reverse Hyper 3x8 280lbs stiff legged, no real swing to speak of

Seated cable row 300x8 these were ugly as hell, but i had to beat one of my training partners, lol.
blackbeard said:
looking good
other thena the heavy feel how was it groove wise

Not good, but that is expected. I am probably going to alternate deads, and speed deads for a few weeks, just to get that form back.