Time to start a new one

first real workout in about a week and a half

Close grips 315x9

Comp grip bench 315x9

side laterals 30x15, 35x15

ab pulldows 2x20

rear delts 30lbs 2x12

Kelso shrugs 2x8

hard to get the blood flowing today, going to keep volume low for a while.
Figured i would start my hook grip experiment today, this is what i did

NO belt today as i don't have one right now, lol

Hook grip
405x3 singles
455x2 singles
520x1 this got way out in front, from the pain in my thumbs, the holding of my breath, and strain to get it up i almost passed out, but i got it. This is going to take some getting used to, i can feel i am breaking the floor with my back and not leg drive due to the new positioning, i am going to have to work on it with alot of singles.

455x5 normal over under

Bent rows off the floor 245 5x5

Reverse Hypers 230 3x10
That was the day, everything should be pretty spot on now. Volume will be a little lower for the next two to three weeks. No clue when i am going to be competing again.
blackbeard said:
your thoughts on the grip???

Range of motion definately decreases. I think i will be able to handle it. Not bad, but still a little pain. I need to get over the grip and concentrate on the new form, since my pulling position has changed, i have also moved my feet in.
jcp2 said:
first real workout in about a week and a half

Close grips 315x9

Comp grip bench 315x9

side laterals 30x15, 35x15

ab pulldows 2x20

rear delts 30lbs 2x12

Kelso shrugs 2x8

hard to get the blood flowing today, going to keep volume low for a while.

WHat is a kelso shrug?
roccodart440 said:
WHat is a kelso shrug?

Try doing them on a Chest supported row, it is more specific to the bench. I notice a huge difference in my setup when i am doing them, i can really hold my shoulder blades in the pinched position. You can pick up Kelso's shrug book numerous places, it is a good read.
Rocked my new single ply F6, keeping the back closed. It was freakin tight, real tight.

425, 475, 505, 515x1 nothing touched. was slipping on the bench a little, but still not close. Shirt is awesome, but i need to really break it in.

5 board raw 365x5, 405x5, 425x8
box squats just below parallel + greem bands, loose metal briefs no belt

285 1x2
305 1x2
325 6x2 Was going to do some free squatting but i was cooked after this.

SS bar GMs

165 1x8
215 3x5 These feel real awkward

Ab pulldows 3x12

one arm kettlebell swings 50 lber 3x12 each arm.
close grips half inch from smooth. 340 2x6

incline dumbells 130x8, 6 have some endurance issues from basically two weeks off

side laterals 15, 12

Kelso shrugs 2x8

rear delt dumbells 2x10
not feeling great, and the hook grip bothered the shit out of me today

singles, worked up to 530 with not belt and the hook grip. Could not break the floor. I am tired, very sore, but i am having a hard time with my feet in closer. It is not working out very well. This is a set of 4-5 a few months ago.

Back attack 3x8 130

GHR 2x5

skipped upper back as i am hitting shirt tomorrow.
i have had the flu since Thursday. Finally felt better so i went to the gym, haven't eaten much except icepops jello and soup in the last five days so kept it low volume.

close grip 315x9
comp grip 315x8

side laterals 2x15

Shrugs 2x10 405 one second holds at top

I was very very tired after this. But i felt i did OK. May have gone back too soon, but what are you gonna do. New metal briefs came in tonight, so i am going to check them out in a minute.
Felt pretty amped when i got to the gym, and dead when i left, lol

deads off 100 lb plates

435 2x5 these were really rough, belt was killing me and i was all over the place

Bent rows off floor 245 2x8

back attack 140 2x10

one arm csr 2x8

I am ready for bed, lol. I still feel real drained.
box squats 325 plus greeens 8x2
these were a little slow, and i had problems breathing. Hopefully this workout gets me started again on the right path. Seeing Joel and Chris Taylor speak got me worked up to really get my training cycle off the ground.

Back attack 4x8 variosu weights and band tension

I was really tired after this, i still have some lingering flu effects.
close grips 320x10

floor presses 275 2x5 these are rough, first time doing them

incline dumbell 125's 2x8

lateral raises side 40x12, 45x8

shrugs 405x5, 455x8

Felt really good today. Hopefully this week is good.