Time to start a new one

pullinbig said:
you think the sldl off plates helped much?

My posteriior is stronger than it has ever been by far. I was told it would take a little while to get the groove back, so we will see. It made me stronger, no doubt. but we will see what kind of carryover i get.
I notice a big difference..im pretty sure my hams are gettng stronger as wellas my low back..but like you said well see how much carryover youll get

i dont see how anyone wouldnt but stranger things have happened
jcp2 said:
My posteriior is stronger than it has ever been by far. I was told it would take a little while to get the groove back, so we will see. It made me stronger, no doubt. but we will see what kind of carryover i get.

i dont doubt it will. i know the heavy band tension low weight sldl we do hepled.
all sets with green bands and a box slightly below parallel


Back attack 3x8

kettlebell swings 3x12 50 lb bell each arm, no time in between first two sets, about one minute between second and third. Wanted to puke and heart was racing.
kettle balls. hmmm... seem to be the latest rave.

may have t give um a shot and see what happens.

so much stuff out now its almost impossible ot fit it in.
blackbeard said:
hows ur squat feeling? seeing progress??

Yup, plan to see alot more progress soon. The 395 with greens was real strong, and i think i figured out some technical problems that have been screwing me up.
blackbeard said:
When you sit on the box do you rock, because i can't. I know this is somehting i here both sides of. I am so tall and lanky that if i sit back the bands move way too much and the transition is not smooth. I also learned i much much stronger the lower the bar is and if i am bent over slightly. Almost if i lead with my back. Kind of hard to explain.
jcp2 said:
When you sit on the box do you rock, because i can't. I know this is somehting i here both sides of. I am so tall and lanky that if i sit back the bands move way too much and the transition is not smooth. I also learned i much much stronger the lower the bar is and if i am bent over slightly. Almost if i lead with my back. Kind of hard to explain.

nope never rock..i have a small amount of movemet from relaxing but its minute..
actually on Chucks video he talks exactly abotu that sort of form bar lower and almost bent over..for him he said hes fastest in that position but it requires a miuch stronger back than squatting more upright-which im sure you knew already :)

is it still snowing down there??? :rolleyes:
315x1, 340x1, 365x1 385x1 405x0 just missed at top, i was fucking pissed, don't remember getting this mad in a while. Flew off my chest, just couldn't lock it.

incline dumbells 125 3x8

lateral raises side 30'sx20 40'sx12

Standing ab pushdowns 2x20

close grip lat pulldowns 3x10

Dumbell rear delts 2x12
Felt guilty not working out yesterday, so i went to the gym, though another day may help me. I was wrong. worked up to 505 for 1 on deads and it felt like 600lbs. Shut that down, then did some abs, some rows and lat pulldowns. Just because i didn't want to fight traffic. I am beat, and my posterior i think is over trained a bit.